President Macron T-bags trump with his BRASSY BALLS!

“In life sometimes the reasons we leave are often the reasons we return…” (Me/2 Jun17)

By now it is no secret that donald trump and his administration has once again turned their back on the people, the climate and the world.  As if trump’ actions during his trip abroad wasn’t humiliating enough to the newest third-world country (in terms of government), the Divided States of America…  In typical trump style, he announced that he and his administration will be pulling the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Agreement.  Should we have expected anything less from him?  You would be even more foolish to expect more from the entity that has taken a country once known as “The leader of the free world” and degraded it to a third-world dictatorship, where democracy has been traded in for dollars.

Now there are other entities within his cabinet that state it is about “saving jobs” for the America.  Only those who are truly blinded by the same ethics and morals that stem from this administration cannot see the truth.  The fact of the matter is…  It is not about saving jobs, it is about making them and their capital cronies MORE money at the expense of the people, the climate and the future of the world.  Does anyone really think that the people in the mid-to-lower tax brackets are going to see ANY benefits from this?  Have they seen ANY benefits come to them as of yet?  How is that new health care bill coming along?

I was inspired by the action of the newly elected, wait…  FAIRLY ELECTED, President Macron!  Not only the way he handled himself during the meeting with trump, but how he has welcomed scientists from the U.S. to work there in order to continue the fight against the threat of climate change and environmental destruction.  In a fewer amount of days, President Macron has outshined trump on every level!  President Macron has shown what it looks like to have a REAL LEADER as president!  I applaud and stand inspired by the pledge of President Macron to “MAKE THE PLANET GREAT AGAIN…”

Viva la France!



<a href=””>Brassy</a&gt;

Earth Days or End of Days? It is up to YOU and I to decide…

Image result for earth day 2017Image by:

Around the world, whether people are willing to accept it or not…  It is or will soon be Earth Day.  This is the one day of the year where people can go out and find a reason to enjoy what nature has to offer.  For some, it is just another day, nothing special about it.  They will get into their cars and pull into a drive-through because they feel the need to NOT walk the 50 feet to go inside the fast food place.  Thus leaving a heavy carbon footprint on the atmosphere by polluting the precious air we breathe.  Others?  Maybe they will leave unneeded lights or other electrical energy consumers running as they go about their business elsewhere.  In some other places around the world, families will leave the water running, letting gallons of clean water just flow down the drain.  It is as if, the Earth has an unlimited amount of clean air, clean water and energy.  What people fail to realize is that in some countries around the world, clean air, water and sources of energy are already endangered if not near extinction.

I really wanted to be able to write an article talking about how we can celebrate Earth Day.  In these times, I feel the need to spread awareness of just how fast humans are decimating the Earth of clean air, water and resources.  We are all guilty in one way or another, it is not always intentional.  I truly believe that many of us try to make a difference, some more than others.  The importance of even a small act of preservation outweighs the notion to not be bothered to even try.  While we cannot control what happens in other countries, we can control what happens, to an extent in our surrounding areas.  Simple things such as organized clean-ups, petitioning against businesses who poison the environment, contacting government officials to voice your displeasure with policies…  In the simplest form, we can simply just recycle whenever possible or pick up that piece of litter on the ground and put it in the trash.  There are so many ways to make a difference, if we took the time.  Not even a lot of time!  A minute, hour or an afternoon.  Time is NOT on our side, the longer we take to realize what businesses, our governments and environmental reapers are doing to the ONE place we have to live…  It may be too late!

For those adults, especially ones with young children…  What will you tell them when they ask what happened to all the animals, the plants, our air and water?  When they ask what you did to help prevent the situation THEY are left to face.  The struggle to find clean air to breath and clean water to drink.  Will you tell them the truth?  That YOU are responsible for what the Earth has become, that you were too busy to be bothered at the time.  When people get older, they come to expect their children to possibly look after them and take care of them.  Just as parents are expected to take care of their children when they are young.  Can we say with an honest face that we did our best to take care of our children and their future?  The bottom line will be that ONLY people of wealth will be able to afford the luxuries of clean air and water.  Those will be the children of the same people who deplete the Earth now in the name of greed.  Under the façade of such slogans as “making America great again” just for example.  There was a time when the USA fought against climate change (which is NOT made up or a hoax!), now they have seemed to declare WAR on the planet.  They are not alone, many other countries have been and continue to be planetary-predators.

For this Earth Day I encourage all of you who read this to not only pass this on but…  To go outside and take a walk away from the city.  Try to find someplace that has actual grass, plants and trees.  Look for a pond, river or stream that doesn’t have pollution or some sort of plastic floating in it.  Search for some wildlife; birds, fish and other small creatures, maybe even non-dangerous bigger ones?  Then, before you pick up your phone…  Just take it in, a deep breathe, a splash in the water or feeding some of natures children with some seeds or peanuts.  Once you have done this, go ahead and take a picture, maybe take many, many pictures?  For if we don’t find a way to stop the WAR on the Earth?  Pictures and memories will be all we have left…

“Happy Earth Day…”


Here are some articles to look at in honour of Earth Day:


Image result for earth day 2017  Image supplied by:

<a href=””>Harmony</a&gt;



Let me JOLT your awareness: Earth Day April 22

Good morning everyone…  Let me JOLT your Monday!  This coming Saturday is a very IMPORTANT day, it is Earth Day!  There are many “days” out lately that are important to people for one reason or another.  Earth Day should be considered important to ALL of us!  While there are those out there who cannot be bothered by the concept, rather the FACT of Global Warming…  Those of us who know better can help make a difference, even it is for just one day.  It is my hope that we can help make it an everyday concept V. once a year.

Within the USA there has been a major shift in the fight against “climate change” since Donald trump and his cabinet have settled into the presidency.  The fight has changed, there has been a declaration of WAR on the environment!  Take a look at who he has put into position:  The new head of the EPA, Scott Pruitt.  This man sued the Environmental PROTECTION Agency (EPA) 13 times in order to get restrictions relaxed for pollution-oriented companies.  Pruitt is in place to dismantle the EPA, eliminate IMPORTANT regulations and essentially, make it easier for companies to destroy what is left of our natural resources, wild life, clean air and water.  There has already been cuts to the EPA budget, The Great Lakes protection (which is a source of fresh/clean water for MILLIONS) and other environmental programs.  For these business men and trump it makes perfect sense…  They will not be around when the Earth looks like a desolate wasteland from some movie.  These people are willing to bleed the Earth dry, destroy the FUTURE for YOUR children and YOURSELF!  It is not only in the USA, there are crimes against the Earth happening ALL over the world.  Would you let strangers come into your home and take your food, belongings and poison your water, your air?  If you say “no.”  So why do we let others do it to the one place we need to survive?

There are so many things we can do to help make our environment last a little bit longer.  There is trying to reduce the carbon footprints, recycling and water conservation.  This is only a few examples of how small acts can add up to being a HUGE difference.  Collectively we can express our displeasure to our government officials (in some places, maybe not all).  It is about showing that we will NOT sit quietly while these environmental criminals STEAL from the Earth!  What gives them the right to just take what they feel they are entitled to in the name of their companies?  There are also other PEACEFUL options such as marches and organizations that can use our help in fighting against these companies that are destroying OUR future in the name of greed.

So I am asking to please pass this article along… Link it, tweet it, Face Book it, whichever?  Just help me spread the word as Earth Day approaches.  Help me make a difference!  For those that do, I say “thank you!”  On my behalf and those who may not have a voice; the plants, animals, water, air and the future…

(Below are a few links to articles that shows the effects of climate change along with one of my past blogs)

“If I were alive…” A poem by Mother Earth


<a href=””>Jolt</a&gt;

Survival Instinct… Time to USE it!

Survival…  One of the most basic of instincts, arguably the most important.  When push comes to shove, it is survival that keeps us fighting to stay alive.  Unfortunately, the most basic of instincts does not always kick in soon enough.  A prime example would be those who continue to deny that climate change is happening at an accelerated rate.  While science can explain how changes are brought about to our climate naturally…  Science also explains how the increase in carbon, methane and other harmful entities are speeding up the extinction of not only animals but humans.

The focus on preservation has been replaced with the focus on devastation.  Starting with the US, the new administration is moving to dissolve the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  How so?  You start by making the new department head, Scott Pruitt, a person who has sued the EPA more than a dozen times.  Mostly on behalf of big business, oil, gas and coal industries.  His arguments revolve around the strict environmental regulations hindering the livelihood of the workers.  While I have my doubts that for him it is about the workers, I believe it is more for his business interests.

An online article presented by MSM, written by Daniel Dale from the Toronto Star states; “Trump’s EPA chief, Scott Pruitt, caused an uproar when he said he did not believe carbon emissions are the main driver of global warming, though they are. And a draft Trump budget, obtained by The Associated Press, would slash U.S. funding for Great Lakes restoration from $300 million to $10 million.” (Dale Mar.2017)   The biggest problem is that the people who will suffer are not those in congress.  Nor will it be the people making profits.  The suffering will come from the ones that cannot afford clean water and air.  From there, with the new health care reform, it will be the poor and elderly that will suffer from the toxic environment greed has created.  I guess big business doesn’t care that we cannot drink oil and continue breathing in toxic air?  Not as long as their idea of going green is rising profits!

The US is not the finger on the hand of environmental destruction.  There are other countries that continue to pollute the air and water.  This along with massacres of wildlife, all in the name of production, greed and sadly…  Status!  The website, lists the top 5 countries that pollute the environment.  From the top down are China, US, Brazil, Indonesia and Japan.  Other countries with high emissions are: Russia, India, Germany, Australia and Canada.  Guess what the top two sources of the emissions are?  Oil 33% and coal 43%.  This is mostly due to the amount of carbon emissions.  What people don’t realize is that everything on the Earth plays a vital role, not just in their survival, but in ours.  So why have more of us not started to fight like our lives depend on it?

While it is not too late, the point of no return is not far off.  I ask, beg and even plead for those of you who care to band together, get involved, spread awareness.  If everyone can do a small part in saving what we have left, it will allow the Earth to slowly recover… Once these precious resources are gone, they are gone.  Along with the animals, we are doomed for extinction…

China, with the most polluted cities in the world Los Ángeles

Amazonia deforestation Citarum river, Yakarta

Photos above are from the website.



<a href=””>Instinct</a&gt;

via Daily Prompt: Instinct